I think having motivation is good and it helps a person work towards their goals. But I personally don't rely on it. I much prefer having discipline and consistency. The challenge comes in what goals a person sets for themselves, Is it something they can achieve within a given period time and whether its realistic. That's why we need to use S.M.A.R.T method to actually set goals and dreams we wish to work towards and achieve. Once you have your goals figured, then the hard part comes next, being disciplined and consisten with your work ethic. Once a person actually sees results for the work they put in that's when you get motivated to continue. There's this quote I live by, it goes: " when motivation fails, discipline prevails " . Motivation won't always be there for you, but discipline will get you through the hard times.
I don't rely on motivation, I prefer discipline and consistency
di Giovanni Hilpert -
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