Peer motivation forum



di Karl Young -
Numero di risposte: 0
We all have different motivational factors as individuals, but maybe you can find some relevance in the following statement. 

It is easy to lose motivation, and simple tasks such as filling in an application or creating a CV can at the best of times seem like a mountain that you will need to chisel away with a spoon to get to the other side. So creating high expectations and looking up at the mountain seems too much. 

However, looking in front of you and focusing only on the immediate task at hand can eliminate the overwhelming feeling.

That, along with briefly reflecting on how far you have come on this journey, how this path has made it available by grace, hard work, and some miracle, as it may seem, not allowing all your efforts to go to waste, and remembering the outcome of your efforts so far, has the potential to keep you motivated and keep you chiseling away on your path forward.